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 Trophy Wife Synopsis


©Copyright 2002-2008
[Shawn Nacol]
All rights reserved

Trophy Wife

an extramarital affair by Shawn Nacol



Take 3 ladies (stirred); add 2 gentlemen (shaken); pour into a single sleek sitting room set; and garnish with clothes as stylish as you can stand. Sip carefully.

     Trophy Wife is an update of the sparkling comedies of the 1930s that lampoons modern divorce and old-fashioned romance. It’s the story of a madcap heiress torn between the love she hates and the security she covets.

     Kate knows that she was born to be a world-class trophy wife... her quarry: married men. Because any man who’s single must have something wrong with him. She needs stability and divorce is the one thing you can count on. Her terminally chic aunt has coached her and groomed her and unleashed her on an unsuspecting Manhattan. No marriage is safe, no man immune.

     No fool Kitty! Determined to make her way in the world, Kate has booked a church and bought the dress, and gone hunting for a society groom who needs a divorce. Time is running out: her aunt has a lunch date with cancer and the trust fund is dwindling. Kate’s just a few steps from being alone in the world.

     What happens when she meets the perfect guy for her, only to find out he’s (god forbid!) a bachelor? No dice. If she wants to get in touch with her inner golddigger, she needs to break up a social register marriage. Kate knows better than to sacrifice her home-wrecking career for something as stupid as love.

     To win her, Mr. Right might have to marry elsewhere to give her the divorce she craves. And even if he claims his prize, will she just dump him once she’s taken him for everything he’s got?

    Trophy Wife is a social-climbing comedy about playing for keeps, winning the game, and losing your mind: a contemporary screwball about committing your loved ones to the institution of marriage.

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